Archives for topic: Business and Operations

Show appreciation for doctors in your community

7 ways to recognize physicians on National Doctors’ Day In brief: National Doctors’ Day is March 30. To help build partnerships with doctors, it is important to show your appreciation for all they do. Show your appreciation through 7 creative marketing ideas. How will you recognize physicians in your community on National Doctors’ Day? National…

Beyond medications: 3 essentials for good heart health

Help patients improve their exercise, diet and sleep habits In brief: Heart health is about more than just taking medications. It requires exercise, eating well and getting enough sleep. Your pharmacy marketing promotions can help patients address these areas and improve their heart health. Maintaining heart health may start with taking the right medications, but…

Do your patients know their 4 essential numbers?

The key health numbers every patient should know In brief: Heart disease is the #1 killer in America. Knowing four key health numbers can help patients understand and reduce their risk. These numbers are: blood pressure, cholesterol, blood sugar and weight. Your pharmacy can provide multiple ways to help patients know their numbers. Heart disease…
10+ ideas for heart-healthy front-end products

10+ ideas for heart-healthy front-end products

Utilize your front end to promote heart health In brief: February is American Heart Month, making it a perfect time to highlight ways your pharmacy helps patients protect their hearts. Your pharmacy’s front end has products that offer heart-health benefits, from lowering cholesterol to easing stress. Signs and promotions will increase awareness and sales of…

Show appreciation for your customers this Valentine’s Day

Your positive sentiment will lead to more loyalty for your pharmacy In brief: Customers who feel appreciated are more loyal and buy more goods. Showing your appreciation can be cost effective. Small tokens of appreciation and sincere actions can reap big rewards. “How do you feel when someone appreciates you for the effort you make?…

Effective marketing to keep your pharmacy memorable

5 ways to make your pharmacy unforgettable In brief: A mix of marketing methods increases the customers you reach. Frequent advertising ensures customers think about your pharmacy. Form partnerships to stretch your marketing reach. Try new avenues to add customers and sell more. Always be top of mind When residents around Warren County, Pennsylvania need…

Better patient outcomes start with better conversations

7 techniques for better conversations with patients In brief: What you say to patients can improve their adherence and outcomes.1 Asking three questions is far better than lecturing. Plan counseling over time for patients with chronic conditions. Conversations with patients are critical to building relationships and improving outcomes, and they don’t have to be long…

Is your pharmacy front end ready for 2019?

Customers are changing — is your store keeping up? In brief: Review your front end at least twice a year. Keep an eye on customer trends and new products. Make hot products easy to spot. Train your staff on what’s new in your store’s front end. Become a destination for more than pills. Keep the…

10 macro trends affecting pharmacies

What these trends are and how to respond In brief: Long-time macro trends continue to shape independent pharmacies These include consumer-related and industry trends By understanding these trends and their implications, owners can decide how to capitalize on them Shaping the future What are the major forces and drivers affecting independent pharmacies in 2019 and…

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