Put McKesson ideaShare into action
Business and Operations
6 ways to get tangible benefits from McKesson ideaShare 2017
In brief:
- McKesson ideaShare is an opportunity to learn from industry thought leaders and pharmacy experts, view solutions from hundreds of exhibitors, and network with forward-thinking pharmacists.
- Gaining maximum value requires following through on ideas with actions after returning home.
- With a plan for action, you can see results within months.
Before you leave for McKesson ideaShare, review “7 Ways to Make the Most of McKesson ideaShare.”
Attending McKesson’s ideaShare 2017 in New Orleans this July 12–16 will give you the inspiration and practical steps to improve your business performance and profits. Over four days, pharmacy owners and staff will hear from thought leaders and peers on the latest industry trends, innovations and tools.
Not registered yet?
Visit McKessonideaShare.com to review the program for McKesson ideaShare 2017 and register today.
This year’s event will provide personalized action-planning activities to help you drive better pharmacy performance and boost your profits, but what makes the experience truly worthwhile is what happens AFTER. To turn the time invested at McKesson ideaShare into value for your pharmacy, consider these ideas:
- Return to work one day later. After being away from your pharmacy for a few days it is typical to race back to work, often leaving behind and failing to act on the great ideas from the conference.
This year, try a different approach. Instead of returning to the pharmacy on Monday, July 17, notify your staff you will return on Tuesday, July 18. Use that Monday to reflect on the best ideas from McKesson ideaShare for your business, and review the action plan that you prepared during the event, with the goal of implementing one or two great ideas in the coming weeks.
- Identify prime opportunities. As you take notes during the conference, highlight the best ideas for your pharmacy. Use the first page of your notebook to briefly list those ideas that could make a big difference, or mark key items with a highlighter or star. Review and summarize your notes each night or as soon as you return, before your memory fades and interruptions keep you from acting.
- Map out your plan. Identify short- and long-term actions that will move your business forward. Separate actions you can take immediately (like your first week back) from bigger goals that you need to break down into individual steps. Draft a list of the steps, who will be involved, actions to take and deadlines.
- Share the experience. Taking your pharmacy manager, chief technician or others to McKesson ideaShare will allow your team to cover more ground and be exposed to more ideas. But even more importantly, when you return, you will already have staff members who are excited about the same ideas, understand where and why your pharmacy should make improvements, and how it can be done. Give staff members who didn’t attend a brief review and focus them on a few specific goals. Discuss the draft action plan with them, then make adjustments and assignments. Track the results and celebrate wins.
- Solidify connections. Networking is one of the most valuable benefits of McKesson ideaShare. During downtime or even while waiting at the airport for your flight, you can connect with people through social media. Within 48 hours of returning home, send a note or email, or commit time on your calendar to follow up with people. Remind them of how you met, provide the information or introduction you promised, or ask for time to call or meet in person to follow up on important ideas.
- Claim conference discounts. Use any special attendee-only offers you pick up on the exhibit floor before they expire. For example, McKesson customers who attend McKesson ideaShare 2017 will receive a 3% rebate on all McKesson OneStop Generics™ purchases up to $20,000, from August through December 2017.*
Putting ideas into action by seizing the opportunity and developing specific plans can pay off. For example, after attending a continuing education session on medication synchronization in 2015, the owner of Aubrey Pharmacy in Texas placed more than 200 patients on med sync within six months. Research has shown that by implementing med sync, pharmacies can generate an additional $90,000 in annual revenue for increased adherence from 100 patients on multiple medications. (See “Why and how to enroll 100 patients in your med sync program.”)
Follow #mckessonideashare2017
Since you can’t be everywhere at once during McKesson ideaShare 2017, follow the hashtag on social media or review it later to find more ideas, insights and people with whom you want to connect.
*Rebate applies to eligible independent and small/medium chain retail customers only.